Early during 2014 I met with the Director of American International School, Niamey to discuss whether the service from EquipMySchool was of interest. I learned that the school administration was currently dissatisfied with the service from their current provider but, at the same time, felt slightly “stuck” as they currently had virtually a full container of goods in their current provider’s warehouse awaiting dispatch.
I offered to organise collection of those goods for consolidation with the upcoming 2014 orders that were to be placed with EquipMySchool. Unforeseen by me, this put me in the unusual position of being able to experience, first hand, the service received by International Schools around the world who do not use EquipMySchool. Having only ever seen what leaves our warehouse and photos from customers having received our own shipments I was not prepared for the sight I had to behold as these pallets were unloaded from the delivery vehicle.
If these pictures remind you of your own international deliveries then you have a duty of care to your school to contact EquipMySchool immediately. Please do not pay for this level of service!
The pallets are all too tall and the lower cartons cannot support the weight. The goods at the bottom of this pallet will not survive an international shipment. Look at the lean on the pallet on the left and the crushed boxes on the bottom of the pallet on the right.
The lower cartons should have been re-enforced to stand any chance of supporting the weight from above. Here the contents of the carton is taking the weight and under serious risk of damage.
This is just careless. If they had been stacked neatly they would probably have arrived in slightly better condition.
Poorly stacked boxes further compromised by a broken pallet.