Direct supplies that fell off the back of a lorry

 In Import/Export

On occasion we are asked to organise deliveries of goods directly from a supplier or manufacturer.

Manufacturers are single minded organisations. Focused very clearly on creating an item as cost effectively as possible. Packaging is often attractive as it leaves the factory but rarely is it sufficient to stand the rigours of international travel.

I physically recoil when customers ask us to help in this way and now I have photographic evidence that goods really do benefit from receiving the EquipMySchool touch. This furniture literally fell off the back of the lorry as it arrived with the customer… less than satisfactory! Thankfully no-one was hurt.


Poorly secured goods have fallen while being unloaded from the vehicle. The driver makes his notes after the event.

Fallen off the back of a lorry 2

They didn’t fall far but they have made quite a mess.

Fallen off the back of a lorry 3

The package then has to be disassembled on the roadside in order to discover what damage has been done and to move the load into school. All very inconvenient.

Supplier packaging

Terrible packaging. Insufficient to protect the goods in transit.

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